Please Fix My Liver

While the liver is a vital organ and an absolute key to staying healthy ... it doesn't get a lot of attention ...

Maria Lucey

Talks In Real Ways About The Liver

... talking about liver health is a good idea ... because as a Nutritionist with over 15 years experience in the Wellness Industry I believe it is important to support our liver function - I understand the importance of detoxification and both the good and the bad of immune response

If signs and symptoms of liver disease do occur they may include

- Skin and eyes that appear yellowish

- Abdominal pain and swelling

- Swelling in the legs and ankles

- Itchy skin

- Dark urine color

- Pale stool color

- Chronic Fatigue

- Nausea or Vomiting

Perhaps the most helpful thing the liver does if you enjoy alcohol regularly ... is to break down and remove alcohol from the blood ... The fact is that 90 to 98% of the alcohol consumed is broken down by the liver ... so why do I bring this up ...

We're all human

The vast majority of us are have been "social distancing" and staying at home for days ... this take's its toll on us ... we might even be inclined to have an extra drink or two from boredom ... it happens ... so with that in mind ...

... If you have concerns about your liver health or have any of the above symptoms complete the Gut Health Quiz ...

If this is your first time completing the Quiz then you also qualify for a free 20 minute Consultation with Maria ... it is not unusual to repeat this quiz again as one way to check where your gut health is at ...

As a Nutritionist and Practitionist I use and recommend the Liver Health product from Modere... it is a pleasure to attest that this product can assist our body's hardest working organ ... the liver ...

The liver is the second heaviest organ in our body ... and when it is doing what it does best ... performing essential support to cleaning the toxins from our bodies ... as well as being pivotal to a strong immune system ... the liver is responsible for carrying out over 500 important jobs in the body every day

Our liver supports the immune system by destroying disease-causing pathogens that enter through the gut

As a Nutritionist and Practitionist I use and recommend the Liver Health product from Modere... it is a pleasure to attest that this product can assist our body's hardest working organ ... the liver ...

The liver constantly filters toxic by-products out of the blood, breaking down fats turning them into energy as well as helping our blood to clot

Your liver is your body's workhorse and it needs extra support on a daily basis. When you support Your Liver you are supporting your body's hardest-working organ ...

Signs that mean your liver may need additional support for good health and immune function

- Consumes alcohol in moderation

- Has been exposed to mercury/other heavy metals

- Has been exposed to mold and mycotoxins

- Concerned about healthy aging

Did you know your liver is your body's second-heaviest organ?

Only your skin weighs more

... on average the liver weighs in at an impressive 1.75 kilos ...=

Your Liver